Category Archives: January 2018 deadline

Wake Forest University Postdoctoral Fellowship in Gender, Race, and Politics

Deadline: January 31

Length: 1 year

Comments: “Applicants are welcome from a broad range of social science discipline with the understanding of the expectation of ability to teach courses for the Department of Politics and International Affairs in the subfield of American politics with any of the following focus areas: American political history, American political institutions, American political behavior, American public opinion, human and civil rights, African American politics, Latino/a politics, Asian-American politics, race and politics, gender and American politics, and sexuality and queer politics.”


Jefferson University Assistant Professorship in Anthropology

Deadline: January 5 (posted on HigherEdJobs 1/2)

Length: Tenure-track

Comments: “Preferred research specialties within anthropology include cultural, feminist, transnational, global, medical, or critical-race studies.”

URL: Jefferson Anthro job

University of Maine Assistant Professorship in American History

Deadline: January 16

Length: Tenure-track

Comments: “A commitment to public history is preferred. Interest in the history of women, gender, and sexuality and/or Franco-Americans is also desired.”


Skidmore College Visiting Assistant Professorship in American Studies

Deadline: January 22

Length: 1 year

Comments: “Candidates with two or more of the following specializations are encouraged to apply: Latin American and Latinx Studies, LGBTQ studies, and material culture. An ideal candidate will be prepared to teach a 200-level course titled Ethnic and Immigrant Experience and a 300-level course on American Material Culture.”


St. John’s University (NY) Assistant Professorship in Philosophy

Deadline: January 15

Length: Tenure-track

Comments: “AOS: Political Philosophy; AOC: Philosophy of Race and Gender, or Eastern Philosophy. An especially attractive strength would be an ability to work at the intersection of philosophy, politics, and economics.”

URL: St. Johns Phil job

Harvard University Postdoctoral Fellowship — Inequality in America

Deadline: January 16

Length: 2 years with possible renewal for a 3rd

Comments: Seeking recent PhDs working in one of the following research areas.


Princeton University Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in African Humanities

Deadline: January 31

Length: 1 year, possible renewal for a 2nd

Comments: Seeking “scholars working in any field of the humanities dealing with Africa or the African diaspora. Consideration will be given to candidates working in all disciplines in the humanities broadly defined, including anthropology, art and archeology, comparative literature, English, film and video history, literatures in other languages, music, philosophy, religion, and women and gender studies.”


California State University-Northridge Assistant Professorship in Gender and Women’s Studies

Deadline: January 25

Length: Tenure-track

Comments: Seeking “a tenure-track Assistant Professor that has demonstrated effectiveness in teaching and research in Feminist Legal Studies or criminal justice law, broadly defined, which can include specializations in international law, global conflict, immigration, indigenous studies or refugee studies. We invite a focus on any of the following geographical areas: Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle-East and/or the United States. The successful candidate would articulate an intersectional, feminist postcolonial or decolonial theoretical-methodological approach.”